


Latin name

Polianthes tuberosa


White flowers


Tuberose is not called the queen of white flowers for nothing. It is a very unique and proud flower that stands out from other flowers. It is an extremely seductive, almost narcotic flower that can intoxicate - literally! At the same time, tuberose is a very intensely fragrant flower that blooms from May to December and usually reaches its peak in August. Due to its high price in perfumery, only a few brands can afford to use natural tuberose in their compositions. Tuberose can be extracted only with volatile solvents to obtain tuberose absolute.

Tuberose, also known as Polianthes tuberosa, is a captivating floral note that has been used in perfumery for centuries. With its rich and intoxicating scent, tuberose adds depth and complexity to fragrances, making it a popular choice among perfumers and fragrance enthusiasts alike.

The scent of tuberose is often described as lush, creamy, and sensuous. It has a heady floral aroma with hints of sweetness and spice, reminiscent of jasmine and gardenia, but with its own unique character. Tuberose is known for its strong and long-lasting fragrance, making it a prominent note in many perfumes.

Tuberose is widely used in perfumery to create a variety of fragrances, ranging from floral to oriental and even gourmand scents. It is often used as a heart or base note in perfumes, adding depth and richness to the overall composition. Tuberose can be paired with other floral notes like rose, jasmine, and orange blossom, as well as with spices, woods, and musks to create complex and alluring perfumes.

There are two main methods of obtaining tuberose for perfumery: natural extraction and synthetic production. In natural extraction, the flowers of the tuberose plant are harvested and the essential oil is extracted through a process of extraction with with volatile solvents. This method is labor-intensive and expensive, as it requires a large amount of flowers to produce a small quantity of essential oil. However, the resulting oil is highly prized for its quality and complexity.

On the other hand, synthetic tuberose is created in a laboratory using chemical compounds that mimic the scent of the natural flower. Synthetic tuberose is often used as a more affordable and sustainable alternative to natural tuberose, as it does not require the harvesting of flowers and can be produced in larger quantities.

In conclusion, tuberose is a captivating floral note that adds richness and complexity to perfumes. Its lush and sensuous scent makes it a popular choice among perfumers, and it is used in a wide range of fragrances. Whether obtained through natural extraction or synthetic production, tuberose continues to be a beloved ingredient in the world of perfumery.

Perfumes with Tuberose as the main note

Perfumes with Tuberose