


Latin name

Camellia sinensis


Greens, herbs


The scent of tea is a very popular fragrance note in perfumes, as it is associated with elegance, calmness, and relaxation. The scent of tea is typically green, refreshing, and slightly bitter, which makes it an ideal ingredient for fresh, natural fragrance compositions.

Depending on the variety of tea, its fragrance can be more complex and diverse. For example, Earl Grey tea has a delicate bergamot aroma, while Japanese genmaicha tea has a toasted rice fragrance note. Some teas also have fruity or floral notes.

In perfumes, the tea fragrance note is often used as a top or middle note. It can be combined with other fragrance ingredients such as bergamot, grapefruit, mint, lemon, jasmine, rose, or patchouli to create unique and complex fragrance compositions.

The scent of tea is commonly used in unisex and men's perfumes, but it can also be used in women's perfumes. It can be used in both everyday and evening fragrances, adding elegance and subtle refreshment to fragrance compositions.

Perfumes with Tea