


Latin name



Fruits, wegetables, nuts


The pear, botanically classified as Pyrus, is a fruit known for its juicy texture, delicate flavor, and aroma. It is widely cultivated and appreciated around the world, both in culinary and perfumery contexts.

In the world of scents, the pear brings fresh, subtly sweet notes, often adding lightness and subtlety to perfumery compositions. Its soft, fruity character makes it ideal for creating fragrances for both women and men, especially when combined with other fruity or floral accents.

In perfumes, pear is often combined with warmer, creamier notes such as vanilla or musk, allowing the creation of more sensual and enveloping scents. It can also be paired with more distinct notes like cedar or amber, giving compositions depth and sophistication.

Not just in perfumes, but also in cosmetics, pear extract is valued for its moisturizing and soothing properties. It is often chosen for skincare products due to its gentleness and pleasant, refreshing scent, adding a subtle elegance to cosmetic products.

Perfumes with Pear as the main note

Perfumes with Pear