


Latin name



Citrusy notes


Lemongrass, also known as Cymbopogon, is a valued ingredient in perfumery for its fresh, vibrant, and energizing scent. As a natural component, lemongrass is often sourced from various parts of Asia, such as India and Sri Lanka, where it is widely cultivated.

The scent of lemongrass is distinctly citrusy, with green and herbal undertones. It is characterized by a fresh and refreshing note, reminiscent of lemon but more complex and subtle. Lemongrass also possesses light peppery and earthy accents, which add character and depth. In perfumery, it is highly prized for its ability to enliven and brighten fragrance compositions, imparting cleanliness and freshness.

Essential oil from lemongrass is primarily obtained through steam distillation of freshly cut leaves. The leaves are harvested and then processed to extract the rich oil. Steam distillation ensures the preservation of the intensity and purity of the natural scent of lemongrass, guaranteeing a high-quality essential oil.

In perfumes, lemongrass is most commonly used as a top note, making fragrances refreshing and energizing from the first impression. Its citrusy, herbal character blends well with other fresh and fruity notes, as well as with floral and woody accents, creating complex and multidimensional compositions.

Perfumes featuring a lemongrass note are often perceived as light, revitalizing, and ideal for warm days. They provide a sense of cleanliness and freshness, while being subtle and elegant. Lemongrass in perfumery symbolizes natural energy and freshness, introducing an element of refreshment and joy to any fragrance composition.

Perfumes with Lemongrass