


Latin name

Castor fiber


Amber, musks, animalic


Castoreum is one of the natural fragrance notes used in perfumery derived from animals. In the past it was used in medicine and as an aphrodisiac. Today, this ingredient is banned for animal welfare reasons. What is a castoreum? It is a very intense smelling secretion produced by glands around the anus of beavers that live wild mainly in Canada and Russia. The oily secretion makes the rodents' fur more resistant to water and is also used to mark territories.

For about two decades, the use of castoreum in perfumes has been banned because the animal must be killed to extract it. Currently, a synthetic equivalent of castoreum is used, with an odour similar to that of natural castoreum.

What does Castoreum smell like?

The smell of castoreum is pungent, warm, animalic, slightly leathery, a little reminiscent of birch tar, slightly musky with a hint of vanilla.

Perfumes with Castoreum