


Latin name



Woods and moses


Birch is a tree of the birch family. There are many species of birch, but it is believed that there are between 30-60 species. A characteristic feature of the birch is its thin white bark. Its wood is also valued for its physical properties. The birch sap is valued for its valuable healing properties.

It should be remembered that birch is also used for the production of birch tar, which is obtained by cold distillation of birch wood, twigs and bark. A thick, tar-like liquid is identified with leather scents and a separate section has been dedicated to it.

What does the birch smell like?

The smell of birch is warm, smoky, slightly tarry and reminiscent of the aroma of charred wood. It is perfect for the creation of smoky, woody and resinous chords.

Perfumes with Birch